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Action through Solutions
That Mitigate Climate Risks

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Solutions in Food/Ag for Los Angeles

NameDescriptionWebsiteAddressZipcodeRisk mitigatedGet Involved / Events
Community Services Unlimitedfocuses on food justice/urban agriculturehttps://csuinc.org/6569 S Vermont Ave90044heat risk,food insecuritySee events calendar

The Village Marketplace Store Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 7am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-4pm
Sunday: Closed
Downtown Women’s Centerserving women/gender diverse experiencing homelessnesshttps://downtownwomenscenter.org/442 S. San Pedro Street95110food insecuritySign up for the mailing list
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justiceworkshops that impact healthhttps://eycej.org/2317 S Atlantic Blvd90040environmental injusticeSee events calendar
Food Findersfood rescue organizationhttps://foodfinders.org/10539 Humbolt St, Los Alamitos90720food insecurityMulitple locations & times vary
Food Forwardfighting hunger and reducing food wastehttps://foodforward.org7412 Fulton Ave91605food wasteWholesale Recovery Hours:5 a.m.– 2 p.m.
Produce distributions recommend https://foodoasis.la/
Los Angeles Eco-Villageneighborhood to live more ecologicallyhttps://laecovillage.org/117 Bimini Place #22190004environmental injusticeSee events calendar – scroll down for current events
LA Community Garden Councilcommunity gardenshttps://lagardencouncil.org/find-a-garden/1110 N Virgil Avenue #38190029food insecuritySign up for the mailing list
Roots for Peacetransforming vacant lots into community spaceshttps://rootsforpeace.wordpress.com634 South Spring Street90014heat risk,food insecuritySign up for the newsletter
Loyola Marymount University Food Pantryprovide free food to students with hardshipshttps://studentaffairs.lmu.edu/activities/centerforserviceandaction/lmufoodpantry/1 LMU Dr Charles Von der Ahe Building90045food insecurityFollow on Instagram for updates on events
Union Rescue Missionrescue missionshttps://urm.org/545 S. San Pedro St.90013food insecuritySee events calendar
City Plantscoordinate tree plantinghttps://www.cityplants.org/our-story/200 N. Spring Street, M-15290012heat riskTimes & locations vary – see events calendar https://www.cityplants.org/calendar/
Crop Swap LAgarden installations/microfarm managementhttps://www.cropswapla.org/3753 Degnan Blvd90018food insecuritySign up for newsletter to learn of events and micro-farm hours
Food Cycle LAdiverting food from landfills by redistributinghttps://www.foodcyclela.org/6636 Selma Ave90028food wasteMulitple locations & times vary
GrowGoodtransform urban land into gardenshttps://www.grow-good.org5600 Rickenbacker Road90201heat risk,food insecuritySign up for the newsletter
LA Compostpromotes composting and urban agriculturehttps://www.lacompost.org/221 W Avenue 4590065food wasteLocations vary – see events calendar https://www.lacompost.org/events
Northeast Treesurban forestry/habitat restorationhttps://www.northeasttrees.org/570 W. Avenue 26, Suite 20090065heat riskTimes & locations vary – see upcoming events page https://www.northeasttrees.org/events
Proyecto Pastoral at Dolores Missioncommunity transformational change in justice/opportunityhttps://www.proyectopastoral.org/135 N. Mission Rd90033food insecuritySign up for the mailing list
RootDown LAurban agriculture and food justicehttps://www.rootdownla.org180 East 35th Street90011food insecurityAccount and log-in required to view events
TreePeoplehelps communities plant vegetationhttps://www.treepeople.org/12601 Mulholland Drive90210heat riskEvents calendar
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